
That ship has sailed

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The Adventure is a complex and delicious cider that will leave you wanting more. We double fermented local Golden Russet apples, mellowed it with a malolactic ferment, and added a touch of Dolgo crabapple cider. The result is a cider that is at once dry with a hint of sweetness, and snappy yet mellow.

The Story

The Ship
In 1893, fisherman Charles Cheverie risked his life to rescue the crew of “The Adventure,” a fishing schooner out of Lunenburg, NS, which went ashore on the rocks below Souris. He was given a set of binoculars for his bravery.
We named this cider in honour of the ship, M Cheverie, and all the ‘adventurers’ that have recently joined us on our cider journey.

Red Island Cider © 2024

101 Longworth Ave., Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 5A9

WED - SUN, 12 - 8pm